[Zope] external method database connection

knight knight@righteous.net
Fri, 6 Oct 2000 02:05:26 -0700 (PDT)

Also, you could always import the specific module for your database, and
create a db connection, then execute() and fetch() directly. Although, if
you are putting this in an external method, it would be wiser to use your
existing ZSQL methods ;]


On Fri, 6 Oct 2000, knight wrote:

> > How do I get  a zope database connection from an enternal method? 
> You can access your db using your existing ZSQL Methods by calling them
> from the namespace passed in, specifically self.
> Example:
> def myextmethod(self):
>   mfl_id = 3
>   results = self.sqlCountUsers(mfl_id=mfl_id)
>   for result in results:
>     print result[0], result[3]
> Keep in mind that a list is returned, not a dictionary.
> Knight
> knight@phunc.com
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