[Zope] overriding __str__ method?
Peter Sabaini
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 11:52:28 +0200 (CEST)
so if i'm not mistaken you want to be able to include an object
instance with say <dtml-var myinstance> and, depending on the user
being authenticated, have that object render with "edit this" button
or without?
overriding the __str__ method can afaik only be done inside a python
product (read the python product tutorial)
you could use lalo's "Renderable Base ZClass" product or call your
instance like so:
<dtml-with myinstance>
<dtml-var method_that_renders_myinstance>
(or call it <dtml-var
and in the "method_that_renders_myinstance" you'd render those "edit"
buttons only if theres the correct role in AUTHENTICATED_USER
hth peter sabaini.
On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Seb Bacon wrote:
:Thanks for the reply,
:> Either I don't understand the problem or you're making it too
:> complicated. <g>
:I think both, but mostly the latter ;)
:Explanation MK II:
:I know how to create a form that does what I want (update properties,
:whatever). What I don't know is how to include it as part of the rendered
:content programmatically. At the moment users have to go to
:www.widgets.com/manage_content, log in, and see a set of forms loosely based
:on the Zope manage interface. Instead, I'd like them to go to the same url,
:and see exactly the same website as someone who's not logged in, except they
:have these lovely little "edit this" buttons next to each editable content
:element (by which I mean image, text snippet, etc).
:Now I *could* do a
: <dtml-if "AUTHENTICATED_USER.has_role('content manager')">
: <a href="edit_this">edit this</a>
: </dtml-if>
:in each content element. But I'd much rather be able to subclass or mixin an
:'editable' class for each content element in question. The question is,
:what methods should I be providing to manipulate how the content is
:rendered? For example, I can provide a new 'view' method in the 'views' tab
:for a ZClass, but this does not get called when an object is rendered as
:part of another document. The reason I was going on about __str__ is
:because that seems to be the only place that you can interfere with how the
:content is rendered inline?
:Hope that's clearer,
:> You have a form to edit the properties.
:> ...
:> <input type="text" name="last_name" value="&dtml-last_name;">
:> ...
:> The action method of this form sets the REQUEST variables to the
:> property names:
:> ...
:> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('last_name', REQUEST['last_name'])">
:> ...
:> (I generally use the same names for form vars and property names
:> to avoid confusing myself)
:> then:
:> <dtml-call "manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)">
:> Does this help?
:> >
:> Seb Bacon wrote:
:> > My strategy:
:> > Each element that I want the user to be able to edit is a ZClass with a
:> > manage_content method. This provides the custom management view (e.g.
:> > combines properties and title/data into a single form).
:> > Now I want a way to give the user access to this screen. I
:> could do a new
:> > version of the folders tree view (manage_menu), but what I'd
:> really like to
:> > do is have a button next to each of these elements ("edit
:> this") which calls
:> > its manage_content method. The button would only appear when
:> the user was
:> > authenticated / authorised.
:> >
:> > My problem:
:> > The only place I can think of doing this is in each object's
:> __str__ method.
:> > But AFAIK there's no convenient way of overriding its default behaviour.
:> > What I'd like to do is override it in the ZClass views interface. I can
:> > override the 'View' method (from the ZClass 'views' tab), but
:> that doesn't
:> > get called in the course of rendering a component in a page.
:> The problem
:> > would seem to be that there's no equivalent of the __str__
:> method available
:> > to override... Or is there?
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peter sabaini, mailto: sabaini@niil.at