[Zope] Help with a DTML expression/comparison
Tim Cook
Tue, 10 Oct 2000 16:37:29 -0500
"Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) Gerente de desarrollo Alpha Omega
Creative Solutions http://www.alomega.com/" wrote:
> BUT, the comparison between the two, won't work. Even
> comparing two _.getitems doesn't work. So it's
> expected that at no point does the selected property
> appear in my html source.
> Please help. I'm shooting myself in the foot here.
<SELECT name="honorific">
<dtml-in valid_honors>
<dtml-if "honorific==_['sequence-item']">
<OPTION "<dtml-var sequence-item>" SELECTED><dtml-var
<OPTION "<dtml-var sequence-item>"><dtml-var
This works for me where valid_honors is a list of honorifics
(['Mr.', 'Ms.','Dr.', ...])
-- Tim Cook --
Cook Information Systems | Office: (901) 884-4126 8am-5pm CDT
* It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas. *
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