[Zope] Two questions regarding SQL
Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
Gerente de desarrollo
Alpha Omega Creative Solutions
http:"//www.alomega.com/" <amadorm@usm.edu.ec>
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 17:01:48 -0500
Hey 2 everyone:
I have two questions.
1) I need to authenticate my Zope users against a
Sybase SQL database.
2) I need to make my Zope ODBC database connection
object use (i.e. connect with) the user and password of
the AUTHENTICATED_USER because security is at the
database level, for tables and stored procedures.
How do I do that? Any pointers? LoginManager did not
work for zope 2.2.2 here. Besides, the new Z ODBC
connection form only lets me specify an ODBC dsn or a
connection string. And as I understand, the connection
string is the same for ALL zope users that use that
Any practical solutions to the problem #2? Will I have
to connect to the DB as DBA? If that's the case, I'll
have to go with PHP.
I'm sorry for my former HTML postings. Won't happen
Thanks in advance.
Universidad Federico Santa Maria - Campus Guayaquil