steve smith
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 09:19:48 +1000
I have an approach that works for me, but it may be a bit awkward. I have a
SQL method (dbGetUserID) which takes AUTHENTICATED_USER as an argument and
finds the value from the "userid" field in the database:
select userid from users where shortname = <dtml-sqlvar AUTHENTICATED_USER
When I need to perform database ops on the user, I just call this method and
use the resulting id, eg,
insert into sometable (userid, otherfield) values
(<dtml-in dbGetUserID><dtml-sqlvar userid type=int></dtml-in>, <dtml-sqlvar
sequence-item type=int>)
I have AUTHENTICATED_USER in the parameter list for this SQL method as well,
though it may not need to be...
-----Original Message-----
From: jjp@wacko.pdx.net [mailto:jjp@wacko.pdx.net]On Behalf Of Jon
Sent: Thursday, 19 October 2000 8:18
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] ZSQL Method & AUTHENTICATED_USER
I'm pretty sure that all variables have to be passed in explicitly
with SQLMethods. Namespaces are not passed in.
Try specifying username as an argument in the ZSQLMethods edit form
and pass it in like this:
<dtml-in expr=
Aaron Straup Cope <asc@vineyard.net> writes:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to perform a simple MySQL lookup based on the
> AUTHENTICATED_USER. When I test the ZSQL method from the management
> interface, everything works fine. However, when I try to call the method
> from a DTML document, [it] returns nothing.
> Is this a namespace issue? I'm stumped and hoping that I'm not staring
> right past the problem. Can anyone point out what it is I am doing
> wrong? Thanks,
> a) DTML Document : foo
> <dtml-with people>
> <dtml-in lookup_by_username>
> <dtml-var "username">
> </dtml-in>
> </dtml-with>
> b) ZSQL Method : people.lookup_by_username
> select * from people where username = "<dtml-var
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