[Zope] ZDiscussions for Zope 2.2.2

Cary O'Brien cobrien@Radix.Net
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 09:15:20 -0400 (EDT)

Sorry about being such a winer yesterday.  

I needed a confera bulletin board for work (internal) with
attachments, so I hacked ZDiscussions to work with Zope2.2.2.

I needed to:

	1) Get FileObject.py from Confera
	2) add __allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__  in
           a few places.
	3) Fix a check for "Cancel"
	4) fix the size of __ac_permissions__

I uploaded it to www.zope.org (never done that before, it is
pretty nice!).  I left the RCS files in place in case anyone
wants to critique my um-er work.


You may be happier with ZUBB or Squishdot.

-- cary