[Zope] Apache in front of ZServer
Oliver Bleutgen
Oliver Bleutgen <myzope@gmx.net>
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 16:18:47 +0200
> * jornd@falch.net (JXrn Helge B. Dahl)
> On a second thought: What I _really_ want (I think, unless someone
> tells me differently :-) ) is a conditional ProxyPass, to tell apache
> to redirect everything _unless_ the URI is /static (or something).
> But this is probably something for apache geeks.
I ain't no apache geek, but I took a look at
two nice how-tos on zope.org.
The first one
describes how to get apache to work with zope via
proxypass etc., and the second one describes how
to achieve what you describe above ... and I don't
find it anymore on zope.org :(
this is what you want:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/local/ - [L]
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:10080/my_host/$1 [P]
The [L] stops the rewriting-process if and only if the uri is of the
form http://yourhostname/local/
If not it goes on and passes the request to localhost port 10080,
directory my_host, where zope resides (at least on my server).
Combine that with virtual-host directive of apache and you are
as flexibel as one can get.
Naturally /local need not to be the only folder which isn't proxied
to zope.
The only problem is that apache doesn't care for zope's authentication
machinery, I would love to have a module for apache which could enable
that (nice dream...). But it may be solvable by using mysql/postgres as
a userdatabase for zope & apache...