[Zope] LoginManager 0.8.8b1 examples/suggestions?

Morten W. Petersen morten@esol.no
25 Oct 2000 07:59:09 +0200

[Jason Byron]

| Does anyone have any LoginManager 0.8.8b1 example 
| code?  It almost looks like you can extend the system
| using plugins, but I don't know how that's done.
| Anyone else have luck doing this?  If so then do you
| have any examples/suggestions?

Yes.  After adding your LoginManager instance, you should add four
methods of some sort within the UserSource object.

The four methods are:


Here's the External methods I used just to make the logins work; you'll
have to implement them to fit your system:

def userAuthenticate(self, REQUEST, username, password):

    if username == 'morten' and password == 'morten':

        return 1


        return 0

def userExists(self, REQUEST, username):

    return 1

def userRoles(self, REQUEST, username):

    return 'Manager', 'Owner'

def userDomains(self, REQUEST, username):

    return []

| All I want is a simple ZODB/cookie based system, but I
| can't get the Generic User Source to work.

HTH then.  =)
