[Zope] Changing standard realm with SiteAccess2+Zope 2.2.1

Stefan H. Holek stefan@epy.co.at
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 14:18:56 +0100 (CET)

On Sun, 29 Oct 2000, Alexander Verhaar wrote:

> I'm trying to change the standard realm with SiteAccess and a
> External Method. I still get the standard 'Zope' realm, while
> SiteAccess is pointing to the External Method. What am i doing
> wrong?
> Here below the external method i used:
> import ZPublisher.HTTPResponse
> def NewRealm(self):
> ZPublisher.HTTPResponse.HTTPResponse.realm=self.title

I was unable to make it work that way either. However this *did* work
for me:

edit your start script to include

Z_REALM=Intranet	# or whatever it is you need
export Z_REALM

somewhere before the exec
