[Zope] ANN: Serving PHP/Perl from Zope update
Bill Welch
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 19:47:46 +0000 (GMT)
Got authorization to work!
First, another patch to Client.py to raise 'Unauthorized' when 401 is
returned by PHP/Perl:
after line that starts with
if ec==200
if ec==401:
raise 'Unauthorized'
Second, numerous changes to the external method that makes the request and
receives the response. Here's the whole thing
def ServePHP(self):
req = self.REQUEST
(username, password) = req._authUserPW()
headers = {}
if req.environ.has_key('HTTP_COOKIE'):
headers = {'Cookie' : req.environ['HTTP_COOKIE']}
if req.environ.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT'):
headers = {'User-Agent' : req.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}
if req.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
rTuple = apply(Client.call, (req['phpScript'], username, password, headers), req.form)
rTuple = Client.call(req['phpScript'], username, password, headers)
resp = req['RESPONSE']
# the first element of the return tuple is dervied from rfc822
for cookie in rTuple[0].getallmatchingheaders('Set-Cookie'):
cookie = cookie[:-1] # remove \n - is there an idiom for this?
apply(resp.setHeader, split(cookie, ':', 1))
# not a particularly strong test, maybe Client should pass back status
if rTuple[0].has_key('location'):
# override base so that relative references work
resp.base = rTuple[0]['location']
raise 'Redirect', resp.base
#override base so that relative references work
resp.base = 'http://www.carbonecho.com:10080/forum/' + req['origScript']
return rTuple[1]