[Zope] NEWBIE HELP can not get Zope to start

Douglas Eadline deadline@plogic.com
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 14:19:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Martijn Pieters wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 10:12:16PM -0400, Douglas Eadline wrote:
> > 6. OK, I'll add a user. I go to acl_users and add a user.
> >   
> > 7. I quit netscape, and restart and attempt to login as
> >    the new user - DOES NOT WORK
> > 
> > 8> I check /var/zope/access - no new user added
> Only the superuser (more accuratly the bootstrap user now) is defined in
> the access file. All other users are defined in User objects in the Object
> Database. You will notice that the file var/Data.fs will have grown.
> > 9. I quit netscape and re-login as superuser.
> >    I look at the user I added, now the password field
> >    has more stars in it than the password I assigned.
> >    The confirm field has 1 star less than the password field.
> For security reasons, the page with the password and confirm fields is not
> rendered with the original password; you can view the source to see this,
> the password would have to be sent verbatim in order to do that. In stead,
> the magic values 'password' and' 'confirm' are used, to indicate that you
> didn't want to change the user password, only the other fields.
> One possible explanation for the denial of your login is that you filled
> something in the domains field, which should only be used if you want to
> limit the domains a user can login from, and made a mistake there. The
> format is a _space seperated_ list of domains, each of which can use the
> '*' wildcard for any part between the dots and can be an ip or a name:
>   10.0.0.* localhost *.mydomain.com
> If you did fill in that field, clear it, and try again. Also note that
> both user id and password are case sensitive. Try a simple username and
> password first, like 'test' and 'test'.
> Let us know if you succeed!

It works now. I needed to highlight the manager Role.


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