[Zope] Zope Crash!!!

Andrew Kenneth Milton akm@mail.theinternet.com.au
Sat, 16 Sep 2000 10:56:55 +1000

+-------[ Aitor Grajal ]----------------------
|   I have now Zope in 9999.
| >If you do (like squid), then when you press 'Restart' on the Control Panel
| >then something else might grab the port.
| >
|   Heeeyyyy!!! if I try Restart, Zope no restart
|     And the exception is :
| exceptions.SystemExit
| Zope has exited normally.
| Traceback (innermost last):
|   File /usr/local/dc/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 222, in publish_module
|   File /usr/local/dc/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 187, in publish
|   File /usr/local/dc/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 171, in publish
|   File /usr/local/dc/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 160, in mapply
|     (Object: manage_shutdown)
|   File /usr/local/dc/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 112, in call_object
|     (Object: manage_shutdown)
|   File /usr/local/dc/Zope-2.2.1-linux2-x86/lib/python/App/ApplicationManager.py, line 384, in manage_shutdown
|     (Object: Traversable)
| SystemExit: 0

This looks like you pressed shutdown, instead of restart...

| >It also could be that the port is lingering and is still in use when Zope
| >tries to restart.
| >
| What is a "port is lingering" ??

That is where a port remains open usually in a FIN_WAIT state
(netstat -an will show ports in FIN_WAIT_1 and FIN_WAIT_2 [or maybe just

This can happen when your Zope restarts *very* quickly.

Totally Holistic Enterprises Internet|  P:+61 7 3870 0066   | Andrew Milton
The Internet (Aust) Pty Ltd          |  F:+61 7 3870 4477   | 
ACN: 082 081 472 ABN: 83 082 081 472 |  M:+61 416 022 411   | Carpe Daemon
PO Box 837 Indooroopilly QLD 4068    |akm@theinternet.com.au|