[Zope] Re: Re(2): [Zope] Zope not starting after VaryTag install
Didier Georgieff
19 Sep 2000 15:31:35 +0100
Le 18 Sep 00, à 15:49, Tino Wildenhain a écrit :
> I just checked with 2.1.6 (winNT) and it worked without problems.
> Can anybody else confirm this?
Sounds like it's Varytag under Linux related.
A - first step :
1 - I reinstalled a fresh 2-1-6 from the source (on Corel Linux and
python from the source).
2 - Reinstalled my products :
* ZMySQLDA 1.2.0
* NFGnav 0.6
* Yihaw 1.0
3 - copied my ancien Data.fs
4 - packed the database
5- all works fine again. No problem.
B - second step :
1 - made a tar file from this install (to avoid long reinstalls after
each try)
2 - installed Varytag 1.0
3 - even a simple index_html makes the traceback.
C - third step :
1 - delete the (now) bad install, and untar the previous one.
2 - Works fine.
3 - remove the 3 products from the panel control and from the
Products directory
4 - Works fine.
5 - compact the database. Works fine.
so now i have a Zope 2.1.6 without any product.
6 - install Varytag
7 - same traceback.
> > Just after installing VaryTag, Zope (2-1-6) restart fine, but when i
> > try to connect to my zope adress, i got an error (traceback further).
Sorry, a Zope error occurred.
Traceback (innermost last):
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 214, in publish_module
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 179, in publish
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/Zope/__init__.py, line 202, in zpublisher_exception_hook
(Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 165, in publish
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/ZPublisher/mapply.py, line 160, in mapply
(Object: index_html)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/ZPublisher/Publish.py, line 102, in call_object
(Object: index_html)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/OFS/DTMLMethod.py, line 150, in __call__
(Object: index_html)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py, line 502, in __call__
(Object: index_html)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/OFS/DTMLDocument.py, line 162, in __call__
(Object: zope_powered)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py, line 443, in __call__
(Object: zope_powered)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py, line 381, in cook
(Object: zope_powered)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_String.py, line 231, in parse
(Object: zope_powered)
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Var.py, line 248, in __init__
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/DT_Util.py, line 357, in name_param
(Info: ({'': '"zope_logo.tag(BORDER=\'0\')"'}, 'var', 1, 'name'))
File /zope/2-1-6/lib/python/DocumentTemplate/VSEval.py, line 157, in __init__
ImportError: No module named gparse
Didier Georgieff
DDAF du Bas-Rhin - Cellule SIG
2, rue des Mineurs 67070 Strasbourg Cedex
tél : - fax :
email : didier.georgieff@agriculture.gouv.fr
SIT du Bas-Rhin : http://www.bas-rhin.sit.gouv.fr
GéoWeb http://sertit10.u-strasbg.fr