[Zope] Updating multiple fields in the same Z SQL Method

Phil Harris phil.harris@zope.co.uk
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 16:09:39 +0100

Won't work with the ';' you need to do something like this:

Update <table> set <field>=<dmtl data> where <field>=<dtml data>

<dtml-var sql_delimiter>

Update <table> set <field>=<dmtl data> where <field>=<dtml data>

Which is in the docs at zope.org


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Laurie Nason" <laurien@tiger.3dem.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu>
To: "Gitte Wange" <gitte@babytux.dk>; <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: RE: [Zope] Updating multiple fields in the same Z SQL Method

> You can try putting a ; after the lines i.e.
> Update <table> set <field>=<dmtl data> where <field>=<dtml data>;
> Update <table> set <field>=<dmtl data> where <field>=<dtml data>
> HTH Laurie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Gitte
> Wange
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 8:25 AM
> To: zope@zope.org
> Subject: [Zope] Updating multiple fields in the same Z SQL Method
> How do you update several fields in the same SQL method ?
> I just entered something like this:
> Update <table> set <field>=<dmtl data> where <field>=<dtml data>
> Update <table> set <field>=<dmtl data> where <field>=<dtml data>
> But I get an error because Zope just sees it as a whole line.
> How do I seperate them ?
> Regards,
> -- 
> ************************
> Gitte Wange Jensen
> System Squid Developer
> MMManager Aps
> +45 29 72 79 72
> gitte@mmmanager.org
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