[Zope] Problems with 2.3.1

Cyril Elkaim cyril.elkaim@free.fr
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 09:45:03 +0200

Chris wrote:
>How did you install 2.3.1 the first time?  Was it from an upgrade script?

I'm using wo_pcgy.py

What happened is that I have download the good source archive but installed
the 2.3.0 in lieu of 2.3.1. And as my Data.fs was already upgraded to the
betas of 2.3.1 so the warnings and other messages. 

With 2.3.1 there is no error or warning anymore. Zope is really very reliable
even with "corrupted" databases.

Now I verify two times if I'm doing the right thing :-)

    My apologies again,
