[Zope] Zope 2.3.0 Under Windows 95

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@mitretek.org
Wed, 4 Apr 2001 16:27:32 -0400

John Gregory asks -
> I'm unable to open Zope 2.3.0 on my pc under Windows 95. I run
> start.bat and then point IE5 at but all I get is an
> IE error report "The page cannot be displayed. Cannot find server or
> DNS Error".
> I've followed recommended download/install instructions explicitly
> and AFAIK all the files are correctly located.
> Another server on my pc - Xitami - recognises the address
> so could it be that Zope 2.3.0, like MS Personal
> Server 4, cannot be run under Windows 95 except via a network?

Zope is fine on Win95, including being used locally, I've used it for years.
Be default, it runs on port 8080.  Try to connect using  If that doesn't do it, then we can start scratching
our heads.  "localhost" should work instead of "", although you
might have to create a "hosts" file in the Windows directory (see the sample
"hosts.sam" file in that directory).

I recently learned that some versions of IE have a bug that prevents proper
interaction with the Zope management screens.  Won't stop you from
connecting, though.  Once you are connected, if this seems to be happening
to you, upgrade to the latest version of IE5. and it should be OK.


Tom P