[Zope] ZServer *still* dying - help?
Thomas B. Passin
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 12:49:23 -0400
I don't know what's happening, but what about attaching the params to the
REQUEST, then you don't have to send them separately. Of course, you'd have
to rewrite show_html a bit, but it shouldn't take much doing.
Then you would write things like
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('param1',m.param1)">
print container.machine.show_html(context,REQUEST)
Or make the separate params into a single python list and pass the list:
print container.machine.show_html(context,REQUEST,params)
Tom P
Mayers, Philip J asked -
> What's happening - I have a PythonScript that does this:
> m = container.machine.SQL_get(machineid=machineid)[0]
> print container.machine.show_html(context,REQUEST,
> param1=m.param1,
> param2=m.param2,
> param3=m.param3,
> param4=m.param4,
> param5=m.param5,
> param6=m.param6,
> param7=m.param7,
> param8=m.param8,
> param9=m.param9,
> param0=m.param0)
> return printed
> show_html is a DTML document. When called at "high" speed (2-3 times a
> second) by URL traversal (i.e. GETing
> http://site.name/Zope/path/pythonscript?machineid=whatever) this causes
> either (in order of likelihood):
> ...
> *But*, if I reduce the number of named parameters to the DTML method (when
> of course it doesn't render properly) then everything's OK. The current
> dies if there are >8 named parameters. But it seems to vary. I thought
> the parameters had to be records from an SQL query, but now I'm not so