[Zope] XML databases
David Kelly
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 23:21:15 +0200
I have a large european project that my organisation are involved
with that requires us to use an XML database.
I know that the project "core" are using Tamino, and have my doubts
about how well zope can exchange data with this system... I would
like to use zope at our end but I need advice on the possibilities.
does anybody have experience on this mixture of Tamino/Zope???...
we are looking at all angles on this one and will be able to offer a
budget for development if necessary... to be quite honest I would
vastly prefer to offer the money that Tamino costs to the zope
community in order to provide a solution.... any answers to
dkelly@aet-es.org please.
quote from http://www.rpbourret.com/xml/XMLDatabaseProds.htm#native
Developer: Software AG
URL: http://www.softwareag.com/tamino/
Database type: Native XML (Adabas?). Relational through ODBC.
Tamino consists of an engine (the X-Machine), an internal XML data
store (apparently the Adabas hierarchical database), a relational
database and SQL engine, a module (the X-Node) for interfacing to
external data sources, such as relational databases and file
systems, an HTTP server, administration tools, and a data map. The
latter describes where the data in a given XML document is stored
and allows XML documents to be composed from multiple, heterogeneous
Tamino's XML support includes a DOM implementation, an XQL
implementation, processing of XML documents with XSL and CSS, and
limited support for SOAP. It can store schema-less documents and can
use schema information if it is available.
The internal SQL engine is addressable through ODBC, JDBC, and OLE
DB. However, it does not appear that, when addressed via these APIs,
it can integrate data from the internal XML data store or from
external data sources.