[Zope] Apache virtual host combined with Zope

Oleg Broytmann Oleg Broytmann <phd@phd.fep.ru>
Fri, 6 Apr 2001 17:32:18 +0400 (MSD)

On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Ria Marinussen wrote:
> I've found several How-To's and other documents on the use of Zope with
> Apache virtual hosts, but can't figure out what the state of the art at this
> moment is.
> We've got an apache webserver with several virtual host entries (version
> 1.3.9). I want to start using Zope for (part of) one of the virtual hosts.
> I'v downloaded version 2.3.1. of Zope.


> My question consist of these three parts:
> 1) Should I use Zope.cgi, PCGI, the virtual-host-monster or any other
> sollution?

   Any will do.

   Let clear things a bit up. Zope.cgi *is* PCGI via CGI. Not the very best
solution. Another approach is (shamless plug, really :) to use Apache
module for PCGI: http://www.zope.org/Members/phd/mod_pcgi2/. Yet another
approach is to use FastCGI with mod_fcgi (this is not PCGI). Some people
use mod_proxy from Apache.

> 2) Do I need additional software?

   mod_proxy (already in Apache) or mod_pcgi2 or mod_fastcgi.

     Oleg Broytmann     http://www.zope.org/Members/phd/     phd@phd.pp.ru
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.