[Zope] 2.3.1 ZClasses problem with QSurvey - createInObjectManager nowreturns _getob(i.id) vs. _getob(id)

Jim Washington jwashin@vt.edu
Fri, 06 Apr 2001 10:33:45 -0400

Recreating the ZClass to descend from Folder did not do the trick,
(though it was probably a good idea anyway!).

Still looking...

-- Jim Washington

Jim Washington wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to figure out why QSurvey fails to add new instances to its
> RESULTS folder in Zope 2.3.1.  The problem seems to be that
> createinObjectManager has changed its return value from
> folder._getOb(id)
> to
> folder._getOb(i.id)
> The note in the source says that this is change is about IOBTree ids, of
> which I have no experience.
> I am getting "unsliceable object" errors.  I am adding a ZClass to a
> ZClass descended from ZObject and ZObjectManager.  I see I did not
> descend this from Folder.  Is this the problem?