[Zope] dtml-in --> sequence

Menno Brandsen menno@infinitum.nl
Fri, 6 Apr 2001 18:29:29 +0200

Try this !

I used it to dislay images from a certain folder !

<dtml-in expr="FolderName.objectValues()">  -- Gets the items from the
folder !
<dtml-var sequence-item>                    -- Shows (in my case the images)
<dtml-var title>                            -- The title
<dtml-var id>                               -- And your ID

Greetings, Menno

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]Namens After Dark
Verzonden: Friday, April 06, 2001 6:04 PM
Aan: Andrew Williams; After Dark; zope@zope.org
Onderwerp: Re: [Zope] dtml-in --> sequence

I made this, but gave the following error: string object
does not have id atribute...
<P>Object ID = <dtml-var expr="_['sequence-item'].id"></P>

Because I need the id from sequence-item, I tryed
_['sequence-var-id'] but didn`t work. I even tryed

Do you know how to make it works?


On Fri, 6 Apr 2001 10:59:08 -0400
"Andrew Williams" <ajwms@hotmail.com> wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "After Dark" <afterz@zipmail.com>
>To: <zope@zope.org>
>Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 10:42 AM
>Subject: [Zope] dtml-in --> sequence
>> Hi, I`m trying to delete some objects(folders/files),
>> I`m having some problems with sequence-...
>Remember, when you put an argument in quotes like <dtml-if
>expr="myvar ==
>'1'">, the stuff in quotes is a python expression.
>So, in python, "sequence-item" is actually trying to
>subtract item from
>Whenever you are dealing with sequence-item, sequence-key,
>sequence-whatever, in a python expression, you need to do
>_['sequence-item'] _['sequence-key'] and so on...
>> I`m trying to use manage_delObjects()... I made a list
>> sequence-item with a <dtml-in "Folder.objectValues()">,
>> I pass this list like an argument to manage_delObjects?
>> Like <dtml-call "manage_delObjects(list)">
>Considering the above, you could right it like this
><dtml-in "Folder.objectValues()">
>  <dtml-call "manage_delObjects(_['sequence-item'])">
>> I think I a little confused with <sequence-..>, when I
>Don't feel bad, you aren't the only one.
>> a list like that (objectValues of a folder), do I have
>> object in <sequence-item>? If I make sequence-var-title,
>> it going to return the title? --> Because it`s giving
>> Or I just have the id and I have to make
>> _.getitem(sequence-item).title?
>yes, when you use <dtml-in> to loop over objects,
>sequence-item is the
>actual object ie (untested):
><dtml-in "Folder.objectValues()">
>  <P>Object ID = <dtml-var expr="_['sequence-item'].id"></P>
>Hope this helps...
>Andrew Williams

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