[Zope] Zope FTP problems

Mohan Baro mcbaro@uwimona.edu.jm
Fri, 6 Apr 2001 16:49:41 -0500

Thanks all

I used cuteFTP and it worked just fine.

=============== This did not work for me =================================
> This is not true, at least on Win2000.  ftp works fine and connects to my
> Zope server.  What may be fooling people is that it doesn't take command
> line arguments.  You have to run it with the "ftp" command.  Then you type
> open localhost 8021 <ENTER>
> Then it asks for user id and password.  Works fine.  I just did it.


-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
Thomas B. Passin
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 4:01 PM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] Zope FTP problems

To add to what I wrote a little while ago,  I've now tested the Windows ftp
client in Win95, and it also connects to Zope on port 8021 just fine, using
the same instructions.


Tom P

> Luke Tymowski wrote -
> >
> > > > if you are on Windows you cannot use the command-line ftp client.
> > > Never heard of that. Why?
> >
> > it assumes the port is 21 and you cannot change it.
> > if Zope's ftp server is running on port 21 then you can use the Windows
> command-line ftp client.
> > but not if its running on a port other than 21.
> >
> > luke
> This is not true, at least on Win2000.  ftp works fine and connects to my
> Zope server.  What may be fooling people is that it doesn't take command
> line arguments.  You have to run it with the "ftp" command.  Then you type
> open localhost 8021 <ENTER>
> Then it asks for user id and password.  Works fine.  I just did it.
> Not-spreading-misinformation-ly yours,
> Tom P
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