[Zope] iterating over localfs objects

Michael R. Bernstein webmaven@lvcm.com
Fri, 06 Apr 2001 18:42:00 -0700

Dimitris Andrakakis wrote:
> Trying your version, again no luck. So I started wondering
> "hey, he actually WROTE it, he can't be wrong !" . So instead
> of changing the same dtml-doc, I created a new dtml-method.
> And voila ! It worked !
> Puzzled, I tried creating a new dtml-doc and copying the same
> code... no luck. It only works in methods.
> Is it the way it's supposed to be ? Or maybe a bug ? Zope 2.2.4
> here, served by ZServer on SGI / Irix 5.3

This is a FAQ. Methods have the context of their container,
Documents have their own context.

This means, that in a Document, the code was asking for all
the LocalFS objects that the *Document* contains.


Michael Bernstein.