[Zope] <dtml-call > Problems

Tino Wildenhain tino@wildenhain.de
Mon, 09 Apr 2001 14:29:07 +0200

Hi Karl,

you are probably trying to add a number to a string or something
like that. To make sure, all of the values are strings before
concenating them, souround them either by _.str() or
use: '%s/MethodName?var1=%s&var2=%s&var3=%s' % 

(try to get a little bit familar with python itself. This helps
understanding why and when zope is doing something)


--On Samstag, 7. April 2001 10:52 -0800 Karl Munroe 
<komunroe@uwimona.edu.jm> wrote:

> I have this code segment in a dtml method:
> <dtml-call
> "RESPONSE.redirect(URL1+'/MathodName?var1='+var1val+'&var2='+var2val+'&va
> r3= '+var3val)">
> It seems as if I am doing something wrong. I get the the following error
> message :
> Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
> Error Type: TypeError
> Error Value: illegal argument type for built-in operation
> I have tried the above code before many times and it worked. If I remove
> var3 from the redirect string everything goes fine. Is there a limit to
> the number of variables you can pass in the query string section of the
> URL?
> Thanks in advance
> Karl
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