[Zope] Promlem getting the current object in PythonScript (FIXED)

Jérôme Loisel jerome@levinux.org
Mon, 9 Apr 2001 13:54:44 -0400

Hi all,

Chris Withers -- Vendredi 06 Avril 2001 13:50:
> Evan Simpson wrote:
> > I'll check out the behavior you encountered in more detail later, but I
> > do know that there was a bug in 2.3.0 (killed in CVS, and in 2.3.1)
> > having to do with namespace binding.  Are you using Zope 2.3.1?
> I'm seeing similar wierdness (so many post-its on my monitor about it
> they're starting to fall off ;-)
> Was this fixed in 2.3.1b1 or only 2.3.1 final?

I had been using 2.3.1b2... Upgrading to 2.3.1 final fixed it for me. Sorry
for all the commotion. I'll be more careful about beta releases from now on. 



Jérôme Loisel, étudiant et webmestre
Lévinux: GNU/Linux pour la communauté


Jérôme Loisel, étudiant et webmestre
Lévinux: GNU/Linux pour la communauté