[Zope] returning a selected object

ghaley@mail.venaca.com ghaley@mail.venaca.com
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 13:05:30 -0400 (EDT)

you can use something like this:  

	<a href=# onClick="window.open('method?z_var=<dtml-var z_var>)>

where method is the name of the dtml file you want the window to display.  
this example also includes a variable and value passed to the window.  if
you want the value selected from the opened window to be passed back to
the calling method, you will need to set up a default variable that will
then get changed when you press the submit button in the window.  then the
original calling method will redraw itself to reflec the value.



Gregory Haley
DBA/Web Programmer
Venaca, LLC.

> Hi,
> Does anybody knows how to open a popup window, let the user choose something out of a list and return this value
> back to the form which opened the popup window?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tom.