[Zope] sendmail Error 552 illegal address

Stefan Mallepell Stefan Mallepell" <steve@syso.ch
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:24:23 +0200


Unfortunately is my sendmail not working. I get allways the error (552,
'illegal address', 'webmaster@kisc.ch')

The smtp-mailserver is working with JSMail - 3.56.1566. It's the server of
my isp and works normaly 100% perfect. The From address is handeld by this
server and I can normaly send emails to this machine. I get the same error,
when I'm sending the email to the smtp-server were the To adress is handeld
(runs with the same software). But when I'm sending this email over a
temporarily installed smtp-server (runs with FTGate Pro2000) then it works.
(you can find the email I get below)

Does anyone know this problem?
Are there special settings I can customize in Zope apart from the
Can I get the right IP into
 >Received: from local-ip[x.x.x.x] by fone;
 >     Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:00:32 +0200

received email source:
>From webmaster@kisc.ch Fri Apr 13 18:50:28 2001
>Received: by mailstore from hextril.mhs.ch for <steve@syso.ch>
>    with JSMail - 3.56.1566; Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:50:28 +0200
>Received: from fone ( by hextril.mhs.ch
>    with ESMTP using JSMail - 3.56.1566; Fri, 13 Apr 2001 18:50:27 +0200
>X-Envelope-To: steve@syso.ch
>Received: from local-ip[x.x.x.x] by fone;
>     Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:00:32 +0200
>To: steve@syso.ch
>From: webmaster@kisc.ch
>Subject: Test
>Message-Id: <f0104131900320003@local>
>X-UIDL: 3ad72e5427ae23ca3ad72e54f84f103a
>---Test ---

Thanks for help
Stefan Mallepell