[Zope] Need help with ':records' form construct
Tim Cook
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 08:47:42 -0500
"Thomas B. Passin" wrote:
> One thing that can cause problems, I have found, is this. If you have an
> HTML form that has several fields with the same name - as you might get with
> an automatically-generated form - the form returns them all in a list of the
> same name. That is, a variable personid might be returned as
> personid:['23','64']
> if there were two personid fields in the form. But if there is only one,
> the form returns
> personid:23
You can prevent this problem by using personid:list so REQUEST
will contain (using your examples):
['23','64'] or ['23']
See: http://www.zope.org/Members/Zen/howto/FormVariableTypes
Tim Cook, President - FreePM,Inc.
http://www.FreePM.com Office: (731) 884-4126
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