[Zope] objectItems() question
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 18:57:20 +0200 (CEST)
On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Casey Duncan wrote:
> DTML Documents subclass from SimpleItem.Item which purposely masks
> objectItems, et al because they are not containers. To get your code to
> work properly, you must first check to see whether the current context
> is a folder or not (which it will be if the url points to a DTML
> Method). [...]
Thanks so much for the answer, that makes it clear. I didn't realize that
'this' was not the folder but the Document in it, while with a method, I
would work with the folder.
Ben Peter - Feldstrasse 8 - 35091 Coelbe
ph: (+49) 6421 983520