[Zope] Re: CoreSessionTracking

Chris McDonough chrism@digicool.com
Mon, 16 Apr 2001 14:47:26 -0400

Hi Uwe,

If possible, continue to cc the Zope list on this... thanks...

You can explicitly cause a transaction to be committed, but not in DTML or
in a Python Script.  You'll need to use an external method...

Here's an example of an function which does this:

def commit_trans():

Make an external method named commit_trans, reference this function from
within the external method UI, and then from dtml, you can do this:

<dtml-call commit_trans>

... right before the raise.  This should save the session data, then it
won't matter if you raise afterwards in the DTML.


- C

----- Original Message -----
From: "Uwe C. Schroeder" <Uwe.Schroeder@contrada.de>
To: "Chris McDonough" <chrism@digicool.com>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: CoreSessionTracking

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 16 April 2001 20:22, you wrote:
> Hi Uwe,
> Thanks for the concise explanation of the problem... I'm cc'ing the Zope
> list on this... it's best to keep this stuff on the Zope list because the
> message archive helps other folks out (including me! ;-)
> I think what's happening here is that the dtml-raise in the middle of the
> first snippet of DTML below aborts the ZODB transaction, and so the
> data is never saved...
> Is there a way to prompt for authorization without doing a DTML raise?
> I've never used LoginManager...

wow - that's a quick answer.
No I don't think that there's another way to do handle loginmanager.
Loginmanager gets called on an authorization exception. The LoginForm isn't
called directly, but gets called on any object a user tries to view without
proper authentication.
I don't know much about ZODB transactions, but probably you know if there's
way to finish the old transaction and start a new one ?

Thanks - I'll try to remove the raise.


Uwe C. Schröder

- --
Uwe C. Schröder                                      ConTrada Consultants
Lindenstrasse 15                                     Tel/Fax: +49 8294 80070
D-86477 Adelsried                                    Mobil:   +49 172
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