[Zope] PUT_factory to create ZWikiPage by default - help

John Hunter jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
16 Apr 2001 17:26:16 -0500

>>>>> "John" == John Hunter <jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu> writes:

    John> Following the advice of Dieter Maurer and Tres Seaver I am
    John> trying to use PUT_factory to override the default object
    John> type and create a ZWikiPage when I create a page by
    John> ange-ftp.  Because I am a zope and python newbie, I am
    John> having some trouble.

OK, I have finally got this thing working.  Part of the problem was
that I was trying to do this as a PythonScript instead of as an
ExternalMethod.  But from
regarding PUT_factory methods:

   MJ> PythonScripts cannot be used for this; you cannot give Python
   MJ> Scripts access to classes that have been protected by
   MJ> permissions. This includes any class that inherits from
   MJ> PropertyManager, for example.

I'll run though what I did step-by-step for the benefits of other
newbies such as myself who want implement this:

1) Create a file in /the/path/to/zope/Extensions called
   PUT_ZwikiPage.py (or name it whatever you like) with the content:

def PUT_factory( self, name, typ, body ):
          Override the default PUT method to make ZWikiPage the
          default type for ftp uploads
       from Products.ZWiki.ZWikiPage import ZWikiPage

       if typ == 'text/plain':
              return ZWikiPage( '', __name__=name )
       return None

# I think that returning None will invoke the default PUT handler from
# NullResources.py

2) From the ZWiki folder you are working in, add an External Method
   with 'Select type to add'->'External Method'

3) enter the following info in the fields in the dialog box

 Id             PUT_factory
 Title          (optional)
 Module Name    PUT_ZwikiPage
 Function Name  PUT_factory
4) You're done.  You should be able to create new links via ange-ftp.

Thanks to Dieter Maurer, Tres Seaver, Tim Hicks, and Brian Lloyd for
useful info in previous responses and posts.

John Hunter