[Zope] persistence problem with python product

zope-mailinglist zope-mailinglist <zope-mailinglist@mopa.at>
Wed, 18 Apr 2001 22:36:33 +0200


I made a python product class which inherits from Folder and is persistent.

Then ive made a helper class, see the listing (ive tried with and without
inheriting Persistent)
, the CommonPropertyContainer is now an attribute of a Class called Site:

class CommonPropertyContainer(Persistent):
    "a container for properties"

    def __init__(self,id,title):
        self._properties = {}

    def setProperty(self,id,title,value):
        self._properties[id] = {"title":title,"value":value}

    def setPropertyValue(self,id,value):
        self._properties[id]['value'] = value

    def getProperties(self):
        return self._properties.items()


now when i change values via the setPropertyValue(method) the new values get
when I restart zope
I dont know but I heard that objects used by a class which is persistent are
automatically persistent too

please help