[Zope] TypeError in TransparentFolderPatch

Wolfgang Strobl ws@gmd.de
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:17:17 +0200

After exporting/importing/copying a folder (say: xyzzy) around, which itself contains a 
transparent folder, from one Zope installation to another I'm plagued by the following error 
message which is quoted below.

Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: illegal argument type for built-in operation

The error happenes when I try to import the xyzzy.zexp into the root folder of the target zope. 
Importing xyzzy.zexp into an arbitrary subfolder (say: t) works, but then the very same error 
occurs when trying to copy/paste t/xyzzy to where it belongs: to the root.

Any ideas? I haven't read through TransparentFolderPatch enough in order to understand what it 
is trying to do here.

Context: Source: a Zope 2.3.1b1 on OSF1, Target,  Zope 2.3.2b1 on Win2000p

Traceback (innermost last):
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 223, in publish_module
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 187, in publish
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\Zope\__init__.py, line 221, in 
    (Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 171, in publish
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\ZPublisher\mapply.py, line 160, in mapply
    (Object: manage_pasteObjects)
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\ZPublisher\Publish.py, line 112, in call_object
    (Object: manage_pasteObjects)
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\OFS\CopySupport.py, line 233, in 
    (Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
  File E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\OFS\ObjectManager.py, line 290, in _setObject
    (Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\Products\TransparentFolders\TransparentFolderPatch.py, line 
153, in _setOb
    (Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
E:\var\disk2\sites\klotz\lib\python\Products\TransparentFolders\TransparentFolderPatch.py, line 
166, in _updateTransparentId
    (Object: ApplicationDefaultPermissions)
TypeError: (see above)

Line 166 is the statement 

idlist = self._transparent_object_ids + [name]

in _updateTransparentId(self, name, isTp) in TransparentFolderPatch.py

      o      (     Wolfgang.Strobl@gmd.de (+49 2241) 14-2394
     /\        *   GMD mbH & Co KG               #include 
   _`\ `_<===      Schloss Birlinghoven,         <std.disclaimer>
__(_)/_(_)___.-._  53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany ________________