[Zope] Problems calling directory

Ben Peter Ben.Peter@t-online.de
Fri, 20 Apr 2001 06:39:29 +0200


Adrian Madrid <aemadrid@yahoo.com> wrote:
> <dtml-with "Portal.Publications.Review">
>   <p>This is the <dtml-var document_id> Document 
>      in the <dtml-var title_and_id> Folder.</p>
> </dtml-with>

> <dtml-with "_['location']">
>   <p>This is the <dtml-var document_id> Document 
>      in the <dtml-var title_and_id> Folder.</p>
> </dtml-with>

All, please correct me if I'm writing bullshit ;-)

<dtml-with "_['location']"> 
    gives you the string "Portal.Publications.Review", while

<dtml-with "Portal.Publications.Review">
    gives you the actual resolved object.

So, what might do the trick could be

<dtml-with "_.getitem('location')">

It might be helpful to remember that using double quotes
really means expr="". That is why your first example gives you the object that resolves to the name, while the second will resolve the expresion and give you the string contained in 'location'.


Ben Peter - Feldstrasse 8 - 35091 Coelbe
      ph: (+49) 6421 983520