[Zope] RE: Creating Database Connection

Vishnu Prasad vishnuprasad2001@yahoo.com
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 01:28:59 -0700 (PDT)

Are you loading on Linux or Windows?

You need to load Zope; mysql; and then install
ZMySQLDA 1.1.4. I have used the latest versions of
Zope (2.3.1);
MySQL (2.23.36); and
MySQL adapter (1.1.4) on Linux. I have tested this on
Windows NT too.

You may get the adapter from this location.

Follow the instructions:
1. Untar in the topmost zope folder
2. GoTo <zopefolder>/lib/python/Products/ZMySQLDA/src
3. Read the README file (if you have problems while
running make, then follow the below said instructions)
4. Open MySQLModule.c using 'vi' or any other editor
5. In line 235, change “int” as “long”;In line 384,
1125, 1147 remove ‘&’ found 
6. Save the changes and close
7. Run make and you will find the MySQLmodule.so
(linux); MySQL.pyd (windows)
8. copy this adapter file in the previous directory
9. You may have to copy the dtml files under
<Zopefolder>/lib/python/Shared/DC/ZRDB/dtml/*.* into
the previous directory ../ZRDB
10. Now restart Zope and you will find the
MySQLDatabase connection. Click ADD and make the
connection with the Connection string: test@domainname

You're Done!

Let me know, if you need help.


Hi All,

   Can some one help to create a database connection
to MySql.


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