[Zope] InterbaseStorage Product

Chris McDonough chrism@digicool.com
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 09:33:43 -0400

It was developed with the older version...

Someome recently sent me mail saying they had been able to get
InterbaseStorage working with gvInterbaseDA as well (with code changes).

- C

----- Original Message -----
From: "Uwe Fechner" <uwe.fechner@4commerce.de>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 9:00 AM
Subject: [Zope] InterbaseStorage Product


I am trying to install the InterbaseStorage Product on a linux-
system (debian).

In the readme of this product it is said, that I shall install

Well, there are two versions available: Kinterbasedb 0.5 with
api 1.0 and Kinterbasedb 2.0 with db-api 2.0.

Which one shall I use?

Best regards:


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