[Zope] Database Access Question
Chris Walters
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 11:12:04 -0400 (EDT)
I'm consider myself a Zope newbie even though I've done a number of projects with
DTML and zClasses; I've yet to implement a Zope product from scratch or deploy what
I would consider to be a complex app.
However, that's about to change!
I'm trying to get the Zope zen when it comes to zSql methods and a custom user
folder. I've got a Win32 application that I'm trying to evolve into a combination
of WebObjects and Zope applications. I'm hoping to share an authentication
mechanism/scheme between the 3 applications. The current Win32 app uses a
combination of database protection and a custom "license" mechanism to
enable/disable application features based on a user's role. I need to replicate
this functionality in Zope.
I would like to have a user folder that authenticates a user based on a combination
of database password (i.e., like the username and password that the zODBCDA
connection uses for the connection string) and a custom users table (if the user
gets that far), and a license file product that sits in the custom user folder and
provides role information. I've looked at LoginManager and UserDB and don't know
which one to start with, or even if either of them is an appropriate launch point.
Does this sound like a reasonable thing to try? Can anyone suggest alternative
mechanisms to unify the authentication of users between these 3 development and
application environments? We already have a database in place, so that is pretty
easy to modify if necessary. I know about LDAP but that would mean major changes to
the legacy win32 code that I'd like to avoid if possible.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.