[Zope] Iterative Insertion via the dtml-in tag

David Elfstrom elfstrom@sten.sunnybrook.utoronto.ca
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 17:06:07 -0400


I've been working my way through the tutorial and documentation, and I 
found the section on "Iterative Insertion, the dtml-in tag" to be very 

It's been my first eye-opener to the real power of Zope. Now, when I go to 
the root of the above document, apparently this information has been 

My questions:
1) where is a newer version of this same example page? The newer docs don't 
seem to cover the dtml-in tag with such a great example, to such depth.

2) is there a single .html file for the above depreciated documentation, so 
I can print it out easily?

Thanks muchly!
