[Zope] Using result from a sql query in another query

Gitte Wange gitte@mmmanager.org
26 Apr 2001 13:22:15 +0200

Sorry ... I forgot a query for the clips .. thats why I had trouble
getting the serverid ..

But now I have another problem. I get a KeyError on "server" ... my code
looks like this:
<dtml-in sqlGetShowClips>
 <dtml-in expr="sqlGetClipData(clipid=clipid)">
  <dtml-with expr="sqlServeridNameQuery(serverid=serverid)">
  <dtml-with expr="sqlFilenameQuery(basefile=basefileid)">
<LI><A HREF="http://<dtml-var server>/smil/<dtml-var showid>-<dtml-var
clipid>" onClick="document.vid.DoPlay()"><dtml-var clipid></A>

The <dtml-var server> is a column in the sqlServeridNameQuery .. but
Zope obviously doesn't receive this column ?

Any good answers?


On 26 Apr 2001 13:16:45 +0200, Gitte Wange wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having some problems on doing subject ... maybe I havent't
> understood the <dtml-in> and <dtml-with> tags properly but ...
> I need to do the following.
> First I need to find all specific clips belonging to a show. I do it
> like this:
> <dtml-in sqlGetShowClips>
> It returns a lot of records. Now for each record I need to find a
> servername in a server table and a filename in a filename table. The
> sqlGetShowClips returns some columns named serverid and fileid.
> I tried to do this:
> <dtml-with sqlGetServerName>
> <dtml-with sqlGetFilename>
> But it doesn't find anything.
> Is there a good explanation of how I "nest" these calls ???
> I need the values to generate a URL
> Gitte
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