[Zope] Virtual Host Monster and <BASE ..>

Tom Cameron tom@cameron.to
Fri, 27 Apr 2001 21:59:08 +1000

Actually I decided to email Evan directly about the product and this was his

>>From: "Tom Cameron" <tom@mooball.com>
>>> This works very well for all folders/pages other than the virtual root.
>>This is a bug in Zope 2.3.0's VirtualHostMonster, since fixed.  I
>>upgrading to the most recent stable version of Zope.
>>Evan @ digicool

I am going to try this upgrade over the weekend (hence my earlier message
about "diff" files) and see how it goes. I will keep you informed. If there
is no improvement and no other suggestions I will file the report.


=> -----Original Message-----
=> From: Martijn Pieters [mailto:mj@zopatista.com]On Behalf Of Martijn
=> Pieters
=> Sent: Friday, 27 April 2001 7:09 PM
=> To: Tom Cameron
=> Cc: zope@zope.org
=> Subject: Re: [Zope] Virtual Host Monster and <BASE ..>
=> On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 09:38:09PM +1000, Tom Cameron wrote:
=> > I am using the Virtual Host monster and apache rewrite rules to handle
=> > virtual hosts. I am using Zope 2.3.0 on FreeBSD and Apache1.3.
=> >
=> > This works very well for all folders/pages other than the
=> virtual root. And
=> > it works fine for the virtual root if I explicitly specify the
=> index_html
=> > page. i.e. http://www.domain.com/index_html.
=> >
=> > However for the very root of the site, if I call it by the
=> domain only i.e.
=> > http://www.domain.com it does not work at all.
=> >
=> > The resultant HTML contains a <BASE> tag
=> > <base href="http://www.domain.com/sitefolder/" />
=> > which seems to screw everything up.
=> >
=> > All the urls on this home page start with
=> > http://www.domain.com/sitefolder/  instead of
=> > http://www.domain.com/ as if the host monster is not working at all.
=> >
=> > I then tried to add a new rewrite directive to apache to send
=> all requests
=> > for
=> > http://www.domain.com/ to
=> > http://www.domain.com/index_html in a hope to avoid this
=> problem, but that
=> > seems to have no effect (perhaps I am not doing it correctly)
=> Hi Tom,
=> I have been experiencing similar problems on my personal server
=> (like HEAD
=> requests for / returning a Not Found error), but haven't had
=> time to chase
=> this up yet.
=> Could you file a bug report in the Zope Collector (preferably with an
=> easily reproduceable example)? You'll find it at:
=>   http://classic.zope.org:8080/Collector
=> --
=> Martijn Pieters
=> | Software Engineer  mailto:mj@digicool.com
=> | Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
=> | Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/
=> ---------------------------------------------