[Zope] "SAP has released full source of their sapdb sql database system
under the GPL."
Chris Beaumont
Sun, 29 Apr 2001 23:18:53 -0700
Thought I should forward this:
>Posted by Hemos on Saturday April 28, @08:29AM
>from the making-information dept.
>A reader writes: "SAP has released full source of their sapdb sql database
>system under the GPL. It can be found at
>http://www.sap.com/solutions/technology/sapdb/develop/dev_sources.htm It's
>probably the most complete free database system available right now, with
>much more features than interbase, mysql or postgresql. The codebase seems
>to be rather old and is written in a mix of Pascal and C. It contains
>interfaces to Perl and various languages."