[Zope] Q: onLoad + onUnload...?
3dfestival - WebMaster
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 13:14:40 +0200
My prob:
I want to make a variable in DTML which counts the user online....
I actually did do it, but in a crappy way:
<body onLoad="addUser();" onUnload="subUser();">
and I had made to functions in javscript:
function addUser()
self.open('addU', 'counting users');
function subUser()
self.open('subU', 'counting users');
and to DTML-methods
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set ('uc, uc+1)">
<script language="javascript">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set ('uc, uc-1)">
<script language="javascript">
and I added a porperty (integer) called uc...
It worked fine, but it was very irritating for the users that a new window
woukd open and then close every time the went from one place to another....
Now to my Q:
Is there some way to do this javascript in DTML or PYTHON....?
If so: How...?
( = Stoons = )
- Webmaster @ 3D festival (http://www.3dfestival.com)