[Zope] multiple zope instances on one ip address

Tino Wildenhain tino@wildenhain.de
Mon, 30 Apr 2001 19:36:19 +0200

Erm... no :) This simply cant be, really :)
One zope does not "take over another port" this simply
does not happen :-)
I do run more then one zope at the same time on different ports
and I never saw such behavior.

I would like to have a look at your z2.py (both),
start (both) and var/Z2.pid (both).
Please send them (privately) to me.

Please include the output of the fuser-command with
the files.


--On Montag, 30. April 2001 08:48 -0700 matt <matt@tidalpool.org> wrote:

>> this is a typical "cant be" situation ;) If you really start zope
>> that way, it would work. If you are on linux, try
>> fuser -n tcp 2000 and fuser -n tcp 8000 to see the procids of the
>> processes serving on either port.
> fuser confirms that the right set of pythons is attached to each port, but
> the same behaviour persists.  Keep in mind that whatever one starts first
> serves for both ports, but if it is killed, the other takes over for both
> ports.  They run happily side by side in the meatime, no errors about
> locked files or whatnot.