Use Homesite (was RE: [Zope] Great html-applet ( commercial )
Schmidt, Allen J.
Fri, 3 Aug 2001 08:04:43 -0400
I have and use HTMLKit all the time. Have not been able to get the same
functionality out of it as in HomeSite. Have not been able to duplicate =
simplicity of one-keystroke online-preview of the current file. Great =
testing ZSQL methods.
-----Original Message-----
From: Geir B=E6kholt []
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 3:03 AM
To: Tommy Johnson
Cc: Zope List
Subject: Re: Use Homesite (was RE: [Zope] Great html-applet ( =
I used to use HomeSite , but when i discovered HTMLkit, the world
It is the most customizable editor ever , with an open
plugin-architecture (i am looking into creating a DTML or TAL plugin
for it) - it already has syntax coloring for XMH, XHTML, HTML, CSS
,javascript and Python!!
- and , it is free (though not OpenSource)
If you are a windows user, check it out immediately. My Homesite
installation is rotting on my machine , and will never be used again..
Geir B=E6kholt web-developer/zopatista funcom oslo | webdev-team
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on or about, Thursday, August 02, 2001, we have reason to believe that =
Johnson wrote something along the lines of :
TJ> I use ColdFusion Studio 4.5.2
TJ> 1. All the undo and redos I could ever want
TJ> 2. Color-coded code (dtml, comments, html, javascript, css, etc..)
TJ> 3. Multiple objects open in their own window
TJ> 4. Search and replace on one or ALL windows open
TJ> 5. Code completion (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and DTML !!)
TJ> 6. Hot buttons to insert dtml tags (I hate writing
TJ> <dtml-comment></dtml-comment> the other ones aren't so bad)
TJ> 7. Instant FTP access to Zope. (I just got that working this week! =
open an
TJ> object, modify it, and hit CTRL-S to save - which automatically =
TJ> object back to Zope!)
TJ> Complete paradise!
TJ> Tommy
TJ> Innovation:
TJ> The Best Way To Predict The Future ...
TJ> Is To Create It.
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