[Zope] Getting counts from a ZCatalog - it must be easier than my
feeble attempt!
Fri, 03 Aug 2001 16:39:37 +0100
The sticking point is that "len" is not a recognised namespace item when
called from dtml-var.
The [0] actually refers to the first MyBrain instance in the LazyMap that
this method returns when called from within a Python script.
As an aside, if you just want to get the id of the first item in a results
set in a python script you can use mycatalog({myquery})[0][0] -
occasionally handy even if it does look like a hack. For example in my
custom 404 page:
# see if the last element of the url after the / is the name of a Group
# in the Group catalog.
# if so, redirect the user to the homepage for that Group
sPath = request.URLPATH0
sPath = sPath[-(len(sPath)-1):]
if (context.groupCatalog.searchResults({'Name':sPath}) ):
groupid = context.groupCatalog({'Name':sPath})[0][0]
sUrl='/templates/group?groupid=' + groupid
Erik Enge wrote:
> | <dtml-var
> | expr="len(articleIndex({'SubjectContext':_.getitem('sequence-item')})[0])">
> Isn't that because you have that [0] added to the back of that
> sequence?