R: [Zope] Passing parameters to an SQL_method
Sat, 4 Aug 2001 17:23:20 +0200
Thanks for your help, but it doesn't work.
It calls my "sql_update" Zsql method, but it fails to pass parametres
("name" and "code") to it, which is what I want to do.
I also tried the following :
<form action="sql_update(name, code)" method="POST">
But this does not seem the correct way to pass parameters.
Any further help ?
Thanks in advance.
> Try:
> <form action="sql_update" method="POST">
> <br><table>
> <tr><th>Code:</th>
> <td><input code="code" width=30 value="<dtml-var code>">
> <tr><th>Name :</th>
> <td><input name="name" width=30 value="<dtml-var name>">
> <tr><th>Cognome :</th>
> <td><input name="surname" width=30 value="<dtml-var surname>">
> </td></tr>
> </table>
> <br>
> <input type="submit" value=" UPDATE "><br>
> </form>
> -steve