[Zope] :records and value assignment in Python Script

Milos Prudek prudek@nembv.cz
Mon, 6 Aug 2001 08:05:32 +0200

Struggling with the ":records" form construct...

I have a "writers" object that contains fname and lname text fields. It 
looks like this:

[fname: "Chris", lname: "McDonough", fname: "John", lname: "Malkovich"]

I need to add a new text field, auth, and I need to compute and assign it's 
value during the form processing. 

Adding new field was not that difficult: I just changed the form and added 
<input type="hidden" name="auth" value="">. I don't know how I would add a 
new field using Python... but it is not important right now.

But how can I change the value? I tried this inside Python Script:

for w in writers:
  print w.auth  # this is OK.
  w.auth="x" # this fails with "attribute-less object (assign or del)".

Milos Prudek