[Zope] Naive Q - 1 Apache Virtual Host serving Zope content
Jock Coats
Wed, 08 Aug 2001 01:40:57 +0100
I've read and re-read at various places on the web site like HOW-TOs and
configured and reconfigures my httpd.conf from apache but cannot seem to
get this right:
I have an Apache server (RH 7.1 - Apache built by hand, Zope built by
hand) running lots of virtual hosts. I want one of those virtual hosts
to serve Zope content from its root URL:
Main Server: www.123.com -> apache content
Virtserv1: www.234.com -> apache content
Virtserv2: www.345.com -> zope content
Now I'm using FastCGI, and I can get it working if I put my <IfModule
mod_fastcgi.c> and so on in the main server conf...
But what do I do if I only want to serve one virtual server from Zope?
Where do I put the <If Module... stuff? Where do I put the
<Location...FastCGIExternalServer directive? And are all paths relative
to the document root of the server or of the virtual server?
At the moment I have tried something like:
<VirtualHost zope.abc.com>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/abc/zope
<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
FastCGIIpcDir /tmp (relative to Linux root, yes?)
FastCGIExternalServer /var/www/html/abc/zope -socket zope.soc
-pass-header Authorisation
SetHandler fast-cgiscript
...but it doesn't work.
Any ideas?
* Jock Coats, JC Solutions *
* M3a Morrell Hall, OXFORD. OX3 0TU *
* h: +44 1865 48509 f: +44 845 1275714 m: +44 7769 695767 *
* e: Jock.Coats@jcsolutions.co.uk *
* w: http://www.jcsolutions.co.uk *
* JC Solutions - Constructing Connected Communities *