[Zope] Control_Panel.Products.MyProduct
Peter Bengtsson
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:35:16 +0200
[answering myself after 1 minute]
Here's the trick to get back the old functionality
<dtml-with "PARENTS[-1].Control_Panel.Products.GlasMasteri">
<dtml-with "PARENTS[0]">
<dtml-var extended_addform>
Sorry for the noice
> I installed the latest HotFix
> (http://www.zope.org/Products/Zope/Hotfix_2001-08-04/README.txt) and now
> some DTML doesn't work when it used to work.
> This used to work:
> <dtml-with "Control_Panel.Products.GlasMasteri">
> <dtml-with "PARENTS[0]">
> <dtml-var extended_addform>
> </dtml-with>
> </dtml-with>
> Now I get
> Error Type: NameError
> Error Value: global name 'Control_Panel' is not defined
> I basically want to use methods and objects from the folder: MyProduct (or
> "GlasMasteri" like in the above example).
> How should I do this?
> Zope 2.4.0 on Python 2.1.1
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