[Zope] Get files from the disk
Tino Wildenhain
Wed, 08 Aug 2001 13:27:43 +0200
hi ruben,
if you just use FTP or DAV (open as webfolder) there should be no
problem to upload the images into zope.
>From my experience however in such folders resist a lot of
images not anymore referenced by actual pages. So the best option
would be to publish the images if you really need them.
--On Mittwoch, 8. August 2001 12:37 +0200 ruben <zope@amutis.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a new and big problem
> I'm migrating of IIS to Zope, but now in a directory of de old web I have a
> lot of images (over 8.000).
> Do you now how can I?
> 1- Put all this files to zope at the same time. (Not one to one)
> or
> 2- Do that Zope read directly from the hard disk. I would prefer this
> option.
> Thanks.
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